

Every business has unique challenges. Let’s solve yours together!

Dairy Farmers


Changing property, equipment, and crop valuations are likely having a significant impact on your insurance and could put you at risk of lacking coverage?

Construction workers

Construction Trades

Insurance rates for construction-related businesses are higher than other industries. You can lower those rates, while maintaining needed coverage.

Teacher talking to students


Schools and learning centers are often missing critical coverages or have limits that put them at significant risk. They are also often in need of resources to help train staff.

Female doctor holding clipboard


With supply and labor costs rising and revenue down, financial pressures are mounting. Compliance is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. We have tools to help.

Counselor conducting group therapy

Human Services

We find that community centers, social service offices, and recovery facilities are often misclassified and not properly covered—which raises costs and worries.

industrial fabrication with sparks


Whether you are a steel fabricator, parts manufacturer, or a cabinet builder, you likely have labor challenges, safety concerns, and claims to manage. We have solutions.

Hotel pool at dusk

Real Estate

Are you adjusting coverage limits to keep pace with changing property and material valuations? If not you could be at risk. Learn about other issues that can affect your business.

Two chefs in kitchen cooking


With razor thin margins, getting the right coverage for the right price is critical. Shopping for insurance year after year is frustrating and not efficient. We make insurance easy.

Two developers discussing code at the computer


Are you fully aware of hidden risks to your business? Technology-centered businesses face unique risks that can often be overlooked by average agents.

line of parked semi trucks


With fewer insurance companies taking on new trucking businesses, it is very important for your operation to become more attractive to insurance companies.